Having A Rabbit As A Pet. Some rabbits will become territorial and aggressively protect their space if they have not been spayed or neutered. The main thing I must say is Rabbits are cute. If you would like to have a long-eared jumper friend. If you are prepared for all the.
These animals can be charming affectionate and very interactive. Some rabbits will become territorial and aggressively protect their space if they have not been spayed or neutered. The main thing I must say is Rabbits are cute. Initial costs can also be high you will need to provide vaccinations and other preventative measures so adopting a rabbit from a shelter is maybe a good idea for you. Their cages tend to stink because the feces accumulate quickly despite the. The pure and innocent bond established between them makes the children more social and responsible.
They are cute at every age.
If you think about the negative and positive points of having a rabbit as a pet those who already have a rabbit as a pet will understand that the positive aspects surpass the negative ones by far. As motivation always use reward against punishment. Yet consider why rabbits can or cannot make a good pet for you. They require some routine vet care from a good rabbit vet and are not low maintenance pets if you are doing things right. Rabbits are Intelligent and Charming. Rabbits can be litter trained and once neutered things should be even better.